티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 502일 오늘의 복습
Naive (adj) -Lacking worldly wisdom ;순진해 빠진 ; 순진한
Ex: The naive Simon assumed that everyone was as simple and kind as he was.
worldly : 세속적인 ; 세상을 많이 아는
Cut corners : if you cut corners, you save money or effort by finding cheaper or easier ways to do things. ; (일을 쉽게 하려고) 절차[원칙 등]를 무시[생략]하다
Ex: It you cut corners on this product, it’ll have a lesser lifespan.
burglar : 벌그럴 ; 절도범 ; 빈집털이범
meticulous : 메팃큘러스 ; 꼼꼼한, 세심한
Extremely careful regarding details
Ex: The meticulous detective found every shred of evidence at the crime scene.
detective : 형사 ; 탐정
shred : 슈레드 ; 자르다 ; 채를 썰다 ; 조각
Pour cold water on - If you pour cold water on an idea or plan, you criticize it to the extent that people lose enthusiasm to pursue it.
Ex: The investors poured cold water on the plan to build another factory.
/ 찬물을 끼얹다.
extent : 익스텐트 ; 정도 ; 크기
to the extent of : ~정도[범위]까지
enthusiasm : 인뜌지에즘 ; 열광 ; 열정
sociopath : 쏘시오 패ㄸ ; 반사회적 인격장애
a night out with ~ : ~와 밤에 외출하다
오늘은 쌤이 article이 없다고 프리토킹 하자고 해서 진심 몇 달만에 프리토킹하는데 서로 할 말 없어서 진땀났네요,,,,, ㅠ맨날 얘기하는데 ,, 할 얘기 쥐어짜내기 정말 힘이드네요,,, ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ첫 시작은 지하철 싸움 봤냐고 ,, 뭔지는 아는데 안봤다고 하니깐(일부러 안봄) 영상 보내줘서 보고,, 하 ,, 크레이지 코리아.. 한국영화 얘기하다,,, 쌤이 이태원 클라쓰 보고있다고 해서 이것도 안봤다고 하고,,쌤이 저보다 한국드라마 많이 보네여 ,,ㅎㅎ 주인공 박서준이 쏘셜패쓰? 라고 하는데 그게 머냐고 하니
sociopath 쏘시오패쓰였음 왜 소셜패쓰라고 했는지는 모르겠지만.... 주인공이 쏘시오패쓰 였군요,,
끝에는 회사 재택근무인데 동료들이랑 night out 하냐고 ,, NEVER 했다가는 큰일날듯
이렇게 오늘도 수업이 끝났네욤
복습 열심히 화이링~~~!!
그래도 article 수요일날 공부했던거 올립니다~~!!
It snowed chocolate in a Swiss town
Switzerland is renowned the world over for the quality of its chocolate. The nation has earned an international reputation for its premium chocolate brands. However, residents in the Swiss town of Olten, near Zurich, got the surprise of their lives earlier this week when it started snowing chocolate. Some locals wondered if the brown dusting was a bizarre consequence of climate change. However, all became clear after the local chocolate manufacturer revealed the brown shower was the result of a malfunction at its factory. The chocolate maker Lindt confirmed that a minor defect in its cooling ventilation systems allowed gusty winds to whip up chocolate dust and sprinkle it over the town.
Many parts of the town were covered in a fine layer of light brown, milk-chocolate-flavoured dust. A representative from Lindt offered to pay for any cleaning services required as a result of the event. To date, no one has asked for help. The spokeswoman reassured people in the vicinity of the factory that crushed cocoa beans are harmless to human health and the environment. She added that factory engineers are currently working on repairing the technical hitch. The cocoa-dust incident led to a lot of banter on social media. A Twitter user wrote: "Chocolate snowflakes falling from the sky, dreams do come true." Another tweeter posted a comment saying: "I'm dreaming of a brown Christmas."
What did you think when you read the headline?
What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'chocolate'?
What do you think of snow?
How much do you like snow?
What do you think of chocolate?
Why do so many people love chocolate?
What is a chocoholic?
What would you do if chocolate fell from the sky?
How is chocolate made?
How healthy or unhealthy is chocolate?
What would you like to fall from the sky?
How can we help someone who is a chocoholic?
What is the best thing that is made from chocolate?
Would you prefer a white or brown Christmas?
스위스에 초콜렛 눈이 내렸다는 귀여운 내용~~~~~~!
이렇게 tmi가 쌓여가는 거겠죠 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ