
티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 503일 오늘의 복습

tiit 2020. 8. 29. 19:07

오늘의 단어


run[take, follow] its course : 1. (사태·세월·질병 따위가) 되어가는 대로 방치되다, 자연의 과정을 거치다; 자연히 사라지다

2. 명을 다하다

If something runs its course, it continues naturally until it finishes.

Ex: I had to accept that the relationship had run its course.


aristocratic : 어리스토크레딕 ; 귀족인 ; 귀족적인 (=noble)

commit : 저지르다 ; 자살하다 ; 약속하다 


Melodious (adj) -Having a pleasing melody : 멜러디어스 ; 듣기 좋은 , 음악 같은 

Ex: The melodious sounds of the symphony soothed Tim after his trying day. Ex: The diplomatic Henry was able to mediate between the quarreling sisters.


sooth : 수ㄸ ; 진실 ; 사실; 현실 ; 누그러뜨리는 ; 부드러운 

soothe : 수우ㄸ ; (마음을) 달래다[진정시키다] (=calm), 

(통증 등을) 누그러뜨리다[완화시키다] (=relieve)


diplomatic : 외교의 ; 외교적 수완이 있는(=tactful)

quarrel : 쿼럴 ; (보통 개인적인 문제에 대한) (말)다툼[언쟁/싸움] ; 불만 ; 다투다 

trying day : 힘든 하루 

glamor : = glamour ; 화려함, 매력 ; 부티, 귀티 

showbiz : = show business ; 연예 공연업 , 쇼비즈니스



오늘은 토요일이라 수업이 없는 날이지만  매일 쌤이 수업이 끝나면 문자로 피드백한거를 보내주거든요....

그래머는 더 많지만 부끄러워서 예시로 하나만 보여드릴게요 ,, ㅎ 

글고 금욜마다 꼭 유튜브로 영어공부 동영상 보내주는데 진심 맨날 안보다가 오랜만에 공부했네요.......


이렇게 밀린 문자가 진심,,, 500개는 될거같아서,,, 열심히 복습해야돼요,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



NEXT LESSON: News 25 Article: 4

Today`s Lesson (Aug. 28, 2020): Free talking 





[X] she just stay at home

[O] She just has to stay at home.



Naive (adj) -Lacking worldy wisdom

Ex: The naive Simon assumed that everyone was as simple and kind as he was.



Run its course -If something runs its course, it continues naturally until it finishes.

Ex: I had to accept that the relationship had run its course.



Happy Friday Jenny. I know that you are also waiting for this day. Thanks for spending some of your time with me. I know that you might not be able to go anywhere but I think it is better than getting the virus. So, let’s take care of ourselves. Anyway, in today’s video, I want to share about different ways on how native speakers will say ‘I want’. I am sure that this is gonna be helpful to you so please watch and take note of this lesson. Have a fun weekend. See you next week. 


오늘의 동영상은 I want 를 원어민스럽게 할 수 있는 표현들에 대한 내용이에요~~~~ 

보통 20분 넘는 동영상 보내주는데 오늘은 5분짜리라 참 다행이네요^^..


수업 들으면서 타이핑 한 내용들이에요~~ 

  1. I’m craving ~ : 뭔가를 엄청 먹고 싶을 때 ex) i am craving a dount from Krispy Cream 

  2. I’m in the mood for ~ : 가볍게 먹고싶거나, 밤에 뭘하고싶거나 할 때? ex) I’m in the mood for sushi , I’m in the mood for bowling , I’m in the mood for watching videos on YouTube -> 그냥 want 쓰는 것 보다 aristocratic 하다 ㅋㅋㅋ

  3. I feel like ~ : ex) I feel like eating ice cream , I feel like going out , I feel like taking a walk  , I feel like watching TV 

  4. I really fancy ~ : I feel like 이랑 똑같은 의미지만, UK에서 많이 쓴다. ex) I really fancy a cup of tea and the scone , I really facny a nap 

  5. I could really do with ~ : I could really do with a cup of coffee 

  6. informal 한 상황일 때 뭔가를 굉장히 원할 때  -> I’d kill for ~ : I’d kill for a hamburger right now ,  I’d kill for a pair of shoes by Manolo Blahnik 

  7. I’m dying for ~ : 이것도 informal 한 상황일 때 : I’m dying for running; it’s been a week without training, I’m dying for Coca-Cola; it’s been a week without suger

  8. 어떤것에 열려있지만, commit 할 수 없을 때 -> I’m up for ~ : ~할 의향이있어 , 약속은 하지 못하지만

좋네여,, 맨날 I want 만해서  쌤이 보내준듯,, ㅎㅎ 담 수업에서는 꼭 써먹어야겠어요~! 갑자기 I'm in the mood for ~ 어쩌구 하면 너무 오글거려서 못하겠는데 어카져,,? 하,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ㅜ I want 안쓰기 노력해보겠습니다,,,,,,,,,,,,,


이건 이번주 화요일인가 했던 article이에요~!


750 million genetically modified mosquitoes to be released  

Scientists in Florida will release 750 million genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild. The aim is to reduce the number of existing mosquitoes that have diseases like Zika virus, yellow fever and dengue fever. The plan is to release the mosquitoes next year in the Florida Keys. This is a long chain of tropical islands stretching 170km south of the southern tip of Florida. The modified mosquitoes are all male. They carry a protein that will kill off any female offspring before they reach biting age. It is only female mosquitoes that feed on blood and bite humans. Males only feed on nectar from flowers. Over time, scientists hope the disease-carrying population of mosquitoes in the area will fall.
Environmental groups are not happy with the plan to release the genetically modified mosquitoes. One group called it a "Jurassic Park experiment". It said Florida was "a testing ground for mutant bugs". Many environmentalists warn that the project could cause damage to local ecosystems that could never be reversed. They say the experiment could even create a new super-species of mosquito that is resistant to insecticides. The environmental group Friends of the Earth said: "The release of genetically engineered mosquitoes will needlessly put Floridians, the environment and endangered species at risk in the midst of a pandemic." The company releasing the mosquitoes said there was no risk.


What did you think when you read the headline?
What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'mosquito'?
What do you know about mosquitoes?
What do you do to avoid mosquitoes?
What do you know about Zika virus and yellow fever?
How dangerous are mosquitoes?
What use are mosquitoes?
What do you think of releasing genetically-modified insects?
What could go wrong with this experiment?
What's best for a mosquito bite?
Why aren't environmental groups happy?
How important are environmental groups?
How would you feel if the mosquitoes were released in your town?
How risky do you think this experiment is?


플로리다에서 750밀리언 마리의 모기들, 7억 5천만 마리의 유전자 변형 수컷 모기들을 풀어서 암컷모기들을 죽여서 , 

댕기, 황열병 같은 질병들을 없애겠다 하는 내용의 기사였어요 

근데 환경운동가들은 반대한다, 하는그런,,,,, 


복습하기 빡세네요,, 그래도 화이링,, 내일도 화이링,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!





