
티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 504일 오늘의 복습 (Intermediate learner 를 위한 25가지 영어 표현)

tiit 2020. 8. 30. 20:44

오늘의 단어


plural : 플로럴 ; 복수형, 복수형의 

singular : 단수형, 단수형의 

bulk : 대부분; 규모 ; 육중한 것 

Establishment : 기관 ; 지배층; 설립 

explanation : 엑스프레네이션 ; 해명 ; 이유 ; 설명 

implication : 영향 ; 함축 ; 암시 ; 연루 

substitute : 섭스티튜ㅌ ; 대신하는 것, 대리자, 대용품 ; 대신하다 ; 교체하다 

occasionally : 가끔 

fall apart : 다 허물어질[부서질] 정도이다 ; 결딴나다

impact : 영향 ; 충격 ; 영향을 주다 ;

affect : 어빽트;  영향을 미치다 ; 2. 동사 (사람이나 신체 부위에) 발생하다[침범하다], 병이 나게 하다

3.동사 (강한 정서적) 충격을 주다, 깊은 슬픔[연민]을 유발하다


jury : 줘리 ; 배심원단 

Lurid : 루리드 ; 1. (색깔이) 야한[야단스러운] 2. 형용사 충격적인, 끔찍한

 ; (adj)- Causing horror, shocking

Ex: The lurid photos of the crime scene upset the jury.


suspicion : 혐의 ; 느낌 ; 의심, 불신


Under a cloud : 의심을 받는 

 -If you’re under a cloud, you’re under suspicion or in trouble.

Ex: The IP for our key technology has been leaked, and many in my team, including the manager, are under a cloud.


오늘의 article 


Home Security Cameras Can Be Hacked, Research Says

A study has found that data generated from home security cameras can actually compromise one’s security.
An international team of researchers used data from a security camera manufacturer to find out if anyone can track the cameras’ data without seeing the actual video content.
The team evaluated a type of security camera called an Internet Protocol (IP) camera. IP cameras connect to the internet and do not require a computer to upload videos online, so their streams can be monitored remotely on the web or via smartphone apps. Only the owner of a particular IP camera can access its video recordings.

By hacking, the researchers found that the data traffic generated by the cameras can expose information about a person’s activities. They said that the upload rate of an IP camera increases when it detects someone or something moving, like a person running or walking. According to the team, this could let potential burglars know whether or not a house is empty.
To reduce privacy risks, the researchers advised users to place IP cameras near objects in the house that create sounds or movements to make it seem like someone is at home. One way to do this is by placing an analog clock or a metronome in front of an IP camera to pick up noise data.


• Do you think people should still use home security cameras? Why or why not?
• Do you think manufacturers of security cameras should be accountable for hacking incidents? Why or why not?
• What situations/actions can increase the risk of hacking (e.g. having weak passwords, visiting untrusted websites)? Explain.
• Do you think hacking security cameras is acceptable in some situations (e.g. police investigations)? Explain.


홈 시큐리티 카메라가 해킹을 당해서 홈을 지켜주지 못한다는 그런 내용입니다~! 노잼 ㅠ




저번주 금요일날 쌤이 준 영어강의 링크에요~! 이제야 듣네요,, ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

Intermediate learner 을 위한 25가지 표현들~~~~~!


23분짜리 강의 듣는데 너무 오래걸리는데요, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ㅠ 


제가 강의 들으면서 타이핑한 내용들입니다~! 

  1. How’s it goin? : How is it going 보다 더 friendly 

  2. What have you been up to? 

  3. How have you been? -> 발음은 How’ve ya been? or How ya been?

  4. I’ve been ~ 2,3 의 답변 : I’ve been busy, I’ve been working, I’ve been study , I’ve been planting a garden in front of my house, I’ve been looking for a new car, I’ve been making videos on the Internet, I’ve been sleeping a lot.

  5. How about ~? : How about dinner?, How about drinks?, How about we do this later? ,  in fast speech -> How bout you~ ? : How bout we see a movie later?, How bout we go to the beach this weekend? , How bout we take a trip to Guam?, How bout we bake cookies? 

  6. sorry, I can’t : Sorry, I cannot do that thing and I feel bad about it. : Sorry, I can’t go the the beach with you this weekend, Sorry, I can’t meet you for dinner tonight, I have to work late, Sorry, I can’t help you build your treehouse, I broke my leg, Sorry, I can’t cook dinner tonight because I don’t know how to cook

  7. Sure, sounds good(great, nice, cool, awesome, fantastic, rad)  

  8. Do you want to ~? -> Do you wanna…? -> 발음은 D’ya wanna (디 와나) :  Do you wanna get dinner?, Do you wanna go for drinks?, Do you wanna ride bikes?, Do you wanna make videos for the Internet? , Do you wanna study English with me?, Do you wanna get a Charizard(리자몽) tattoo?

  9. What do you call this? ; 단어를 잊어버렸을 때 -> 발음 What;dya call this? (왓 디야~) : 

  10. How do I get to [location]? : How do I get to the station? , How do I get to this hotel?, How do I get to the beach from here?, How do I get to my house from here?, How do I get to the bar from here?, How do I get to work from here? to 다음에는 구체적인 장소가 나와야한다 그래서 How do I get there? 여기에는 to 써주면 안됨

  11. Have a nice evening! : good night 을 친구들과 헤어질때 인사로 잘쓰는데 good night은 진짜로 잘 때 , 침대에 있을 때 가족들한테 할 때 쓰는 것. 친구랑 밤에 헤어질 때는 이렇게 말하자 

  12. Have a good one = Have a good day : 공손한 표현으로 친구 , 동료, 가족들에게 쓸 수있지만 약간의 거리감 있음.. 

  13. Can I have [item], please? : Can I have that shirt, please? , Can I have 200 grams of beef, please? , Can I have that pack of cigarettes, please? 

  14. [number] of the [noun], please ; 쇼핑할 때 얼만큼 주세요~ : 2 of the blue ones, please

  15. How do I [verb phrase]? 어떻게 하는건지 물어볼때 : How do I use this computer?, How do I turn on this car?, How do I learn English?

  16. How late are you open? = When do you close? ; 몇시까지 영업? :  

  17. Do you have any plans for [point in time]? : Do you have any plans for this weekend?, Do you have any plans for dinner? 

  18. My [body part] hurts : My arm hurts -> I have pain in~ 쓰지말기 

  19. How much is this? : How much did your sandwich cost?, How much for a dozen burgers to be sent to my office tomorrow at 1:00pm?

  20. What did you say? 잘못알아들었을 때  

  21. What does that mean? 

  22. I don’t feel so good : 배가 아플 때 잘 쓴다 , 뭐 많이 먹어서 배아플거나 할 때 , 갑자기 또는 몸에 이상있을 때 .

  23. I need to go to [location] : I need to fo to the restroom , I need to go to the car wash

  24. I have to [verb] : I have to think of a new hairstyle for my cat 

  25. When are we leaving? : 언제 이장소를 떠날건지 물어볼때? 

별로 안어려운 것들인데 제가 자주 쓰는 건 I have to, What does that mean ,,, What did you say............ 정도 밖에 없네여 ,,, 자주써야겠어요~!~!~! 전화영어 할 때는 질문을 잘안해서리,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 

오늘도 열공했네요,,,,,,,,,  

내일도 열공,, 

ㅎ ㅇ ㅌ

