티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 507일 오늘의 복습
Boldness : 볼드니스 ; 대담 ; 배짱 ; 두드러짐 ; 눈에 띔
Insolence (noun) : 인설런스 ; 건방짐 ; 거만함 ; 무례 ;
-Boldness or rudeness
Ex: The boy`s insolence to the policeman embarrassed his mother.
Run around in circles : 개미 쳇바퀴 돌 듯하다 ; 헛수고하다
-To be active without achieving any worthwhile result
Ex: He ran around in circles trying to bring us on board for the new cause.
Nurture (verb) : 널철 ; 양육하다 ; 양육 ; 육성
To further the development of
Ex: Our cat made a nest of blankets to nurture her newborn kittens.
arrogant : 에러건트 ; 오만한
in no time : 당장에
Cut someone down to size : ~에게 자기 수준을 알게 해 주다[~의 콧대를 꺾다]
If you cut someone down to size, you show them they`re not as important or intelligent as they think.
Ex: The boss cut that arrogant guy to size in no time.
contaminate : 컨테미네이트 ; 오염시키다 ; 악영향을 주다
infectious : 인빽셔스 ; 전염되는 ; 병을 옮길 수 있는
iceberg : 빙산
iceberg lettuce : (잎이 공처럼 단단히 말려 있는 상추)
hospitalize : 하스피럴라이즈 ; 입원시키다
cyclosporiasis : 사이크러스포라이시스 ; 원포자충증
cyclospora : 원포자충속
ingest : 삼키다 ; 먹다
diarrhea : 다이어리아 ; 설사
appetite : 에피파이ㅌ ; 식욕
immunocompromised : 이뮤노컴프로마이즈드 ; 면역 시스템이 손상[약화]된, 면역력이 약화된, 면역 무방비(상태)의
leftover : 남은 음식 ; (과거의)잔재 , 유물
dispose : 배치하다 ; ~에게 ~의 경향을 갖게 하다
di|spose of somebody/something : ~을 없애다[처리하다]
from scratch : 아무런 사전 준비 없이 ; 맨 처음부터
dumpster diving : (귀중한 것을 찾으려고) 쓰레기통 뒤지기
Bagged Salad Removed from Supermarkets after Making Consumers Sick
Bagged salad mixes sold at grocery stores were recalled after being possibly contaminated with infectious parasites. The affected products were distributed to 10 US states and sold at grocery chains Hy-Vee, Jewel-Osco, and ALDI. The mixes, which contained carrots, iceberg lettuce, and red cabbage, were produced by Fresh Express, a company that manufactures ready-to-eat salads. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 122 people got sick in July after eating one of the salads, and 19 were hospitalized.
The CDC first reported the contamination in June when it confirmed 76 cases of cyclosporiasis, a mild illness caused by the parasite cyclospora. This parasite enters the body when contaminated food or water is ingested. Some symptoms of the illness, which may last for more than a month, include severe diarrhea and loss of weight and appetite.
According to experts, the illness usually goes away on its own, but some immunocompromised people may need to be treated with prescribed antibiotics.The president of Fresh Express said that the company is working together with the Food and Drug Administration to determine the source of the outbreak. In the meantime, the CDC advises people who purchased the recalled salad mixes to throw away any leftovers even if they had not gotten sick after eating the products. If consumers are unsure whether the bagged salad mixes they bought are part of the recall, the CDC recommends disposing of them to be safe.
Do you think both the salad's manufacturer and its distributor should take responsibility for the contamination regardless of whose fault it was? Why or why not?
How should people affected by the contamination be compensated (e.g. by giving them a refund, by paying for their hospital bills)? Discuss.
How can manufacturers/distributors of ready-to-eat food ensure that their products are fresh and safe? Discuss.
Why do you think some people prefer buying ready-to-eat food instead of preparing food from scratch? Explain.
미국에서 포장된 샐러드들이 기생충에 오염돼서 다 리콜됐다~~~~! 는 내용입니다. . . .
노 . 잼 .
쌤이 미국은 그냥 암거나 다 버리는데 왜 이런일이 일어났는지 믿을 수 없다고 하군여...
그러면서 dumpster diving 를 유튜브에 검색해보라며,,,,
말그대로 미국 사람들이 미국 쓰레기통에 들어가서 다이빙하는건데 비싼것도 많이 건지고 쓸 만한 물건 건져온대요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진심 전 세계 환경오염 미국이 다시키는듯,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Hump day !! 드디어 수요일이 지나갔군요,,,,,,,
이틀 만 일하면 주말 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so happy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,