티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 517일 오늘의 복습
Sympathetic : 심퍼테릭 ; 동정적인 ; 공감하는 ; 호감이 가는
pity : 연민 ; 동정 ; 유감 ; 불쌍해하다
cherish : 소중히 여기다 ; 아끼다 ; (마음속에)간직하다
Pathos (noun) -Sympathetic pity : 페이떠스 ; 연민을 자아내는 힘 ; 비애
Ex: The soldiers cherished the kindly Nurse Nightingale for her pathos.
An eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth : 눈에는 눈 이에는 이
It means that if a person does something wrong, then they should be punished with the same thing done to them.
Ex: I’ll return damage to my car by damage to his car. An eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth.
fruitful : 쁘루뻘 ; 생산적인 ; 유익한 ; 수확이 많이 나는
downstream : 하류로 ; 하류의 ; (먼저 일어난 일의) 후속의
heron : 헤런 ; 왜가리
verbatim : 벌베이덤 ; 말[글자] 그대로의 = word for word
board of directors : 이사회
overheat : 과열되다 ; 과열하다
14 Advanced English Words to Sound Like a Native Speaker
오늘의 영어 강의는 14개 advanced words 입니다~!~!~!
강의 듣는데 유튜버가 이렇게 얘기하네여,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
첫번째에는 유튜브에서 이 단어들을 듣고
두번째는 코멘트에 이 단어들을 쓰고
세번째는 잡지 읽을 때 이 단어들을 또 만나고
네번째는 이 단어들을 쓰기 시작하고
다섯번째는 이 단어들은 이제 니것이 된다 ㅎ
하루에 새로운 단어 5개씩 연습해라
강의 들으면서 타이핑 한거니깐 참고하세요~~~~~~~!!!!!
To confront : to come face to face with (someone)
ex) This politician has been confronted by a journalist 조금 부정적인 의미이다
2. Coherent : logical and strategical
ex) I have coherent strategical
3. Empathy : understanding and taking another person’s feelings into account
ex) When people hate you on YouTube, there isn’t much empathy in their actions
ex) There isn’t much empathy on Instagram when people are just hating each other
4. Witty : 위리 ; funny and clever
5. To fabricate : to make up something artificial or untrue
ex) The evidence was fabricated
ex) we don’t fabricate anything that happens downstream
6. Inhabitant : a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place
ex) Topanga has many different inhabitants : parrots, birds, rabbits, herons
7. To reckon : to believe, suppose, expect
ex) I reckon you’re coming with us → 영국사람들이 잘 씀
ex) I reckon it’s gonna rain tomorrow → 친구들한테도 쓸 수 있고, 완전 advanced 하게 들린다 이 단어 말하면
8. To rifle : 라이쁠 ; to go through in search of something
ex) He rifled through his stuff when he was looking for his socks
9. To ask out : to ask someone to go out
ex) He asked me out on a date
10. To back down : to withdraw from a position
ex) There was a board of directors and the CEO backed down
11. To call off : to cancel an event
ex) A lot of in-person events have been called off in the past months because of COVID-19
12. To get away with : to not be punished for doing something wrong
ex) My dog has eaten my dinner and she got away with it
13.To pass out : to become unconscious = faint
ex) He was hanging out by the pool in the heat for so long so that he passed out
14.To turn down : to refuse
ex) He asked me out but I turned him down
어제 금요일 수업에서
암의 원인은 다양하다 --> 이걸 얘기하고 싶었는데
Cancer is complicated 라고 했거든요? ㅎㅎ
근데 피드백에 쌤이 이렇게 고쳐줬네요...
Cancer is a complication. ㅎㅎ
complication 뜻은 1. 문제 2. 합병증 입니다~~~! 까먹지 말기~~!
Mr. Horam: There are many types of human cancer and for most the causes are not fully understood.
네이버 검색하니 이런 예문이 있네요 참고하시길....
더 공부해야되는데 넘나 . . . 귀찮.. 네요..
비밀의숲도 봐야하고,,
내일 일요일이니깐 내일은 더 열심히 복습하기 ............................