티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 520일 오늘의 복습
"If something goes wrong, offer silence and prayer for the brother or sister who make a mistake, but never gossip."
obstacle : 옵스터클 ; 장애 ; 장애물
stingy : 스틴지 ; (특히 돈에 대해) 인색한[쩨쩨한] (=mean)
Penurious : 페뉴리어스 ; 몹시 가난한 ; 극빈한
(adj)- Extremely stingy
Ex: Ebenezer Scrooge was most penurious, refusing to give even a penny to charity.
reprimand : 레프레맨드 ; 질책하다
deliberately : 딜리버럴리 ; 고의로 ; 의도적으로 ; 신중하게 , 찬찬히
inflate : 1. (공기나 가스로) 부풀리다2. (사실과 다르게) 부풀리다3. (가격을) 올리다
Face the music : (자신의 행동에 대해) 비난[벌]을 받다
If you face the music, you`re at the receiving end of somebody`s criticism or reprimand.
Ex: You`ll face the music for deliberately reporting inflated sales numbers.
Pope : 포읍 ; 교황
plague : 전염병 ; (한동안 고통문제로) 괴롭히다
resist : 리지스트 ; 1. (어떤 일을 받아들이지 않고) 저항하다2. (공격 등에) 저항하다3. (몹시 하고 싶은 것을 하지 않고) 참다
temptation : 템테이션 ; 유혹 ; 유혹하는 것
lethal : 리뜰 ; 치명적인(죽음을 초래할 정도의) ;
scandalmonger : 스캔들멍걸 ; 추문을 퍼뜨리는 사람
busybody : 참견하기 좋아하는 사람
remark : 발언 ; 주목 ; 언급하다
urge : 1. (…하도록) 충고하다2. 강력히 권고하다3. (강한) 욕구, 충동
bite your tongue : (하고 싶은 말을) 이를 악물고 참다
worshipper : 월시펄 ; 예배를 보는 사람, 숭배자
Pope says gossiping is 'worse than COVID'
Pope Francis has said gossiping is worse than COVID-19. He said gossip is a danger that divides communities. He added that the devil is the "biggest gossiper" who is seeking to create division with his lies. The Pope spoke about the dangers of gossiping during his weekly blessing at the Vatican. He said: "Please brothers and sisters, let's try to not gossip. Gossip is a plague worse than COVID. Worse. Let's make a big effort. No gossiping." The Pope has regularly spoken about the dangers of gossiping, especially on social media. He advises people not to listen to Internet trolls, saying: "If something goes wrong, offer silence and prayer for the brother or sister who make a mistake, but never gossip."
The Pope was making his first public audience since the pandemic started. His latest speech on gossip is not the first time he has made strong remarks on the topic. In 2016, he warned people not to "fuel the terrorism of gossip". He urged people to resist the temptation to spread gossip. He said: "If you get an urge to say something against a brother or a sister, to drop a gossip bomb, bite your tongue. Hard." Two years later he brought the subject up again. He told worshippers in St Peter's Square that gossip is lethal "because the tongue kills, like a knife". A visitor to the Vatican agreed. She said: "Gossips are nothing but scandalmongers and busybodies."
What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'gossip'?
What do you know about Pope Francis?
What do you think of gossip?
What do you think of people who gossip?
How much of a gossip are you?
When was the last time someone gossiped about you?
What do you think of people who gossip on social media?
How do you feel if you are the subject of gossip?
Do you like gossip about movie stars and celebrities?
In what way might gossip be like terrorism?
When was the last time you had to bite your tongue?
Should gossip be made illegal?
Who is the biggest busybody you know?
오늘 article 내용은 교황이 말하기를 가십은 코로나 보다 나쁜 전염병이다~!~!~!!!!
말조심해라 이말이였습니다~!~!
제가 제일 발음하기 어려워하는 것중 하나가 gossip 인데요..
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