티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 527일 오늘의 복습
litter : 쓰레기(공공장소에 버려진 휴지깡통병 같은 것들) / 어질러져 있는 것들 / 흐트러져 어지럽히다
rubbish : 쓰레기 ; 형편없는 것 ; 헐뜯다 ; 혹평하다
stand on : ~에 기초하다 ; ~에 만족하다 ; ~에 확신하다 ; ~을 주장하다 ; ~을 신뢰하다
strew : 스트루 ; 흩다 ; 흩뿌리다 ; 흩어지다
warden : 월든 ; 관리인 ;
litterbug : (거리·공원 등 공공장소에) 휴지·쓰레기를 버리는 사람
imprisonment : 투옥 ; 구금 ; 감금
hefty : 장대한 ; 크고 무거운 ; 많은 ; 두둑한 ; 센 ; 강한
eyesore : 흉물스러운[보기 흉한] 것(건물·사물 등)
be an eyesore : 눈에 거슬리다
track down : 행방을 알아내다
sweet wrappers : 사탕 포장지
offending : 불쾌하게 하는 ; 문제가 되는 ; 유죄인
offender : 범죄자 ; 나쁜 짓을 하는 사람
refuse : 거절하다 ; 거부하다 ; 쓰레기
assigned : 할당된
reunite : 리유나이트 ; (오랫동안 헤어졌던 사람들이) 재회[재결합]하다, 재회[재결합]하게 하다 ; 재통합하다
elaborate : 정교한 ; 정성을 들인 ; 자세히 설명하다 ; 상술하다
Showy : 현란한
Pomp (noun)-Showy display ; 팜ㅍ ; (공식 행사·의식의) 장관[장려함]
Ex: Jan couldn`t help enjoying the pomp of the elaborate wedding ceremony.
→ 즐기지 않을 수 가 없었다?
grain : 곡물 ; 알갱이 ; 띠끌
polythene : 팔리띤 ; 폴리에틸렌
Go against the grain : 천성을 거스르다, 자연에 어긋나다, 체질에 안 맞다, 신경을 긁다
If an idea or action goes against the grain, you don`t do it or accept it because it is against your beliefs or principle.
Ex: It goes against the grain these days to use polythene bags as carry bags.
Thai parks mail litter back to tourists
Litterbugs who drop their rubbish in national parks in Thailand may be in for a surprise the next time they check their mail - the litter they left may have been returned to them. Thailand's Environment Minister has decided to take a stand on the increasing amount of sweet wrappers, plastic bottles and paper that is strewn across national parks. He has asked park wardens to collect the litter and mail it to the offending litterbug. It comes with a letter that says: "We collected your garbage in a cardboard box and sent it to your home. This should be a lesson to you, to never again throw away waste anywhere." Additional penalties could come in the form of five years imprisonment or a hefty $16,000 fine.
The severe penalties have been initiated because of litter becoming an eyesore in many of Thailand's beauty spots. Park wardens say it is relatively easy to track down and identify offenders, as all visitors to the parks are required to register their address when they enter a park. Anyone who leaves refuse near their assigned camping spot will be reunited with their waste. Narin Pinsakul, chief of the Khao Yai National Park near Bangkok, explained why the parks were introducing their return-to-litterbug policy. He said: "It can be dangerous for animals like deer if they eat the rubbish and try to digest plastic waste that people leave behind." The Environment Minister said people should only leave footprints behind.
What did you think when you read the headline?
What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'litter'?
What do you think of litterbugs?
What do you do with your litter?
Do you tell someone if you see they have dropped litter?
How much litter is there in your town?
What do you think of Thailand's litter policy?
How do you feel when you see litter?
What should the fine be for littering?
Should people go to prison for littering?
What do you think about what you read?
Would you spend a day picking up litter at a beauty spot?
Are there enough litter bins in your town?
Why do people litter?
What does littering say about someone's character?
How would you get people to not litter?
Should we pick up other people's litter?
태국에서 국립공원에 쓰레기를 버리는 사람들에게 쓰레기를 보내고, 5년 징역 or 16,000달러 페널티를 줄 것이라는 내용입니다~!~!
trash --> 트래쉬 발음 조심하기
그럼 .. 이만...