
영어티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 720일 오늘의 복습 / 50 MOST USED FORMAL AND INFORMAL WORDS *expand your vocabulary* English with LinguaTrip

tiit 2021. 4. 2. 21:03

nomenclature : 노멘클레이쳘 ; 명명법 

gestational : 제스테이셔널 ; 1. 임신(기간)의, 잉태한.

finicky : 삐니키 ; 1. (음식·옷 등에) 지나치게 까다로운, 타박이 심한2. 세심한 주의를 요하는

hospitable : 1. (손님·방문객을) 환대하는, 친절한2. (기후·환경이) 쾌적한

 expound on : 1. …에 대해 상세히 설명하다.



accommodate (verb) - to give consideration to / 1. (살거나 지낼) 공간을 제공하다, 수용하다2. (…을 위한) 충분한 공간을 제공하다3. (의견 등을) 수용하다

Ex: The hospitable couple was happy to accommodate the needs of their finicky guest.



Once in a blue moon - If something happens once in a blue moon, it happens rarely.

Ex: Many startups turn in a profit once in a blue moon.


50 MOST USED FORMAL AND INFORMAL WORDS *expand your vocabulary* English with LinguaTrip


  1. to start = to commence 
  2. to end = to terminate 
  3. to look for = to seek 
  4. to look into = to investigate  
  5. to look like = to resemble 
  6. to come after = to follow 
  7. to come back =  to return 
  8. to come in = to enter
  9. to talk about st = to discuss 
  10. to think of st = to conceive 
  11. to ask for st = to request 
  12. to deal with = to manage 
  13. to bring in / up = to introduce 
  14. to speak to sb = to address sbs 
  15. to speak about st = to address st 
  16. hungry = famished → 더 강력한 배고픔 
  17. hopeless / pointless = futile 
  18. funny = humorous / amusing / hilarious 
  19. better / worse = superior / inferior 
  20. childish = immature 
  21. big / huge = considerable 
  22. for example = for instance 
  23. plus / also / next = moreover / furthermore 
  24. anyway / anyways = nevertheless 


오늘도 수업이 없어서 .. 

so happy.........

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