
영어티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 739일 오늘의 복습

tiit 2021. 4. 21. 23:31

pneumonia : 뉴모니아 ; 폐렴

blow up : 1. 폭파하다, 터뜨리다; 폭파되다, 터지다 / 2. 거세지다[고조되다]


benevolent : (adj) - Kind, helpful ; 베네버런트 ; 1. 자애로운2. <자선단체의 이름에 쓰이기도 함>

Ex: Sherman revealed his benevolent side when he offered to help Carter with his homework.



close the door on someone

If you close the door on someone or something, you no longer deal with it.

Ex: The country decided to close the door on talks till other outstanding issues are resolved.



Buffer (noun) -Protective barrier

Ex: The dense trees acted as a buffer against the heavy rain.



Burn the midnight oil : (공부나 일을 하느라) 밤늦게까지 불을 밝히다 ; To work late in the night

Ex: I had to burn the midnight oil for nearly three months to write my first book.



Cigarettes Could Disappear from Many Countries by 2050

Cigarette use may completely disappear from the US, parts of Europe, Australia and large parts of Latin America by 2050, says Adam Spielman, a Citigroup analyst.
The number of cigarettes sold around the world has been falling for the last decade, according to data from Euromonitor International. The World Health Organization (WHO) also says the number of people who use tobacco dropped by 60 million between 2000 and 2018 — and while this was largely due to fewer women using tobacco, in December 2019, the WHO found that tobacco use among men also decreased for the first time.
Even Philip Morris International, the maker of Marlboro and Chesterfield cigarettes, has said that the company could stop selling cigarettes in many countries over the next 10 to 15 years. To stay competitive, Philip Morris has developed a range of smoking alternatives, including a heated tobacco product called IQOS, which produces 95% fewer harmful chemicals than traditional cigarettes, the company says.

Other big companies such as British American Tobacco are also working hard to stay in the game by creating smoke-free products such as the Vype ePen, a type of electronic cigarette.However, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that heated tobacco products are still harmful, especially for young people and pregnant women, and e-cigarettes can contain harmful substances as well. The CDC also warns that nicotine is addictive and can harm young people's brain development. Sales of less harmful alternatives have actually slowed the overall decline of nicotine use in many places — and are possibly even reversing it, wrote Spielman. In other words, less-harmful alternatives are so popular that they could actually bring about more damage to people's health. Smoking cigarettes will also probably continue to be common in countries such as Russia, France and China in 2050 and beyond. "The current trends do not suggest a world without cigarettes," Spielman said.


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