
티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 746일 오늘의 복습

tiit 2021. 4. 28. 23:38

Brewery : 브룰리 ; 맥주 공장

unsold : 팔리지 않은 

expiry : 익스파일리 ; 만료 ; 만기 

loaf : 1. (모양을 만들어 한 덩어리로 구운) 빵 한 덩이2. 빈둥거리다

toss out : 1. …을 밖으로 던져버리다2. [옷·껍질 따위]를 벗어버리다

tempt : 1. (좋지 않은 일을 하도록) 유혹하다2. (어떤 것을 제의하거나 하여) 유도하다


result : 리절트 

The main male character : 남자 주인공 

Politeness : 펄라잇니스 ; 1. [U] 공손[정중]함; 우아[고상]함

unruly : 1. 다루기 힘든, 제멋대로 구는



Civility : 서빌리리 (noun) - Politeness /Synonyms: blame, criticize

Ex: The usually unruly Thomas acted with great civility when his favorite uncle visited.



on cloud nine : 너무나 행복한 If you’re on cloud nine, you’re very happy.

Ex: I was on cloud nine after receiving the news of my promotion.


German Brewery Makes Bread with Unsold Beer


With restaurants and bars closed around the country, a German brewery found itself with 6,000 liters of its "Altbier" beer unsold and nearing its expiry date. But it has an interesting solution. Fuechschen Brewery in Duesseldorf has started working with bakers to make loaves of "Treberbrot," or "Spent Grain Bread." "It would have been such a shame to just toss out such a tasty beer," said Peter Koenig, whose family has run the brewery since 1908. He said they then thought of the idea of baking bread with beer, instead of water.Twelve bakeries are now making the bread, and have also been giving customers a bottle of Altbier for free with each loaf. 


Baker Janika Derksen, whose family runs Coelven bakery, said that people quickly found out about the bread, which her bakery sells for about $4.65 a loaf including the bottle of Altbier. Derksen said that people have even been asking if she can send the bread by mail across Germany, which she can. Customer Michael Maassen went to the bakery to buy a loaf for himself after hearing about it on social media. The 48-year-old soldier said that he thinks it's a great idea, and that working together and helping each other "is more important now than it ever has been." Beer sales in Germany have fallen because of a lockdown that has kept restaurants and bars closed since the beginning of November.


독일에서 맥주가 안팔려서 빵에 맥주를 넣어서 만들고 있다는 그런 이야기 입니다 

요즘 선생님이 영어 공부 한지 오래됐는데 왜 맨날 똑같냐고 뭐라고 하네요 .. ㅠ 

제가 .. busy 한데 맨날 영어 공부만 할 수 도 없는데 하 ,, 정말 짱나네요 ..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

그래도 더 열심히해야죠 

그럼 이만 
