
티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 875일 오늘의 복습

tiit 2021. 9. 3. 23:58

monumental : 마뉴멘털 ; 1. 기념비적인2. (크거나·좋거나·나쁘거나·어리석거나 하기가) 엄청난3. 기념물에 나타난; 기념물이 되는

ill-fated : 1. 격식 (특히 죽음·실패로) 불행하게 끝나는, 불운한

facade : 퍼사드 ; 1. (건물의) 정면2. (실제와는 다른) 표면, 허울

vestibule : 베스티뷸 ; 1. (큰 건물의) 현관2. (기차의 객차 양 끝의) 연결 통로

pilgrim : . 순례자2. 필그림(1620년에 메이플라워호(The Mayflower)를 타고 미국으로 간 영국인 the Pilgrim Fathers 중의 한 사람)

refuge : 1. 피난(처), 피신(처), 도피(처)2. 은신처가 되어 주는 곳3. (단기적으로 지낼 곳이 되어 주는) 보호 시설, 쉼터

demographic : 인구 (통계)학의

entrepreneurs : 안트러퍼뉴얼 ; 1. (특히 모험적인) 사업가[기업가]

revive : 1. 활기를 되찾다, 회복하다2. (다시 사용되거나 행해지도록) 부활시키다3. (연극 등을) 다시 제작하다, 재공연하다


Europe’s train station gets new lease of life as hotel

It earned the nickname “Titanic of the mountains”, but now the monumental and ill-fated train station at Canfranc is to get a new life as a five-star hotel, 51 years after the international rail link across the Pyrenees closed. The facade will be preserved but a new station is being built behind the existing one and will be entered via the hotel vestibule. The complex will include a 200-seat conference centre, a railway museum, shops, and a pilgrim refuge, as Canfranc is on one of the routes to Santiago de Compostela. It is hoped that the hotel will revive the village when work is completed at the end of next year (2022). In 2020, France and Spain agreed to begin to work on reopening the 7.8km Somport tunnel that links the two countries, and with EU’s support, it is hoped that the Canfranc line and station will be fully operational by 2026.


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