
티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 879일 오늘의 복습

tiit 2021. 9. 7. 23:41

to and from : 왕래하다 

farm animal : 가축

bush : 1. 관목, 덤불2. (덤불처럼) 숱 많은 머리 3.(특히 아프리카·오스트레일리아·뉴질랜드의) 미개간지

ex) bus shuttles passengers back and forth from the station to the terminal.

consumer electronics : 가전제품



1. plant (as a verb) 

Meaning: to put a plant into the ground or into a container of soil so that it will grow

Example: We planted trees and bushes in our new garden.

2. heartwarming

Meaning: seeming to be something positive and good and therefore causing feelings of pleasure and happiness

Example: That photo is really heartwarming to see.



1. break new ground : 신기원을 이루다[열다]

Meaning: do something innovative that is regarded as an advance or of positive benefit

Example: They were breaking new ground in consumer electronics.


Goat in a Police Car

A police officer in Georgia, US, experienced something very unusual. She got out of her car, and she visited some houses nearby. When she returned to her car, she saw a goat inside. The goat was in front of the car, and it was eating some papers. The officer tried to get the goat out of the car. She moved back and forth, and she tried to rescue some of the papers. The goat did not move, and it even knocked the officer to the ground. The officer explained that she usually leaves the car door open because sometimes she has to run away from aggressive dogs. However, nobody got hurt, and the officer and her colleagues said that the incident was funny


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