
티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 오늘의 복습(대략 5년차)

tiit 2022. 11. 17. 17:22

중간에 관두고 다시 시작하고 그래서 며칠인지 세기가 쉽지 않네요,,,,,,,,,,,,

오픽 신청을 해버려서 오랜만에 복습........................................................


새로운 책은 IN LOVE 인데 ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ 쌤하고 LOVE 얘기 중이네요 ㅋ 


오늘의 story는 바로 Pandora's Box ! ! so interesting ! !


경배의 여자친구가 아주 perfect person 인데 알고보니 과거에 심각한 폭력사건 가해자 였다는 얘기에요 

Today's Questions

1. Does it disappoint you if you find out that your partner has been a swindler?

2. What if she/he was involved as a victim of a fraud case?


What do you prefer?

- When you find out something about your partner, which can bother you more?

1. Has been a gambler vs Has been a swindler

2. Has large debts but with occupation vs Has no debt, no career

3. Has been in a very long relationship vs Has never been in a relationship


책 구성은 이런식으로 진행되고 재밌어요,,, ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ 

정말 쌤하고 별의 별얘기를 다하네요 ㅎ 


오늘의 복습 

embrace : 임브레이스; 1. 안다2. 받아들이다3. 포괄하다

debt : 데트 ; 1. 빚2. 빚을 진 상태3. 은혜를 입음

addictive : 어딕티브 ; 1. (약물 등이) 중독성의2. (활동 등이) 중독성이 있는


1. moderate [adjective] ; 머더럿 

Meaning: neither small nor large in size, amount, degree, or strength

Example: There has been a moderate improvement in her health since she began the treatment.

1. 보통의2. 누그러지다3. 중도파인 사람


2. altogether [adverb] : 얼투게덜 

Meaning: totally; completely


a. She wrote less and less often, and eventually she stopped altogether.

b. The best option would be to cancel the trip altogether.

1. 완전히, 전적으로2. 모두 합쳐, 총3. 전체적으로 보아, 대체로



1. (have) egg on your face : 꼴이 우스워지게 되다

Meaning: You will have egg on your face if you've said or done something wrong, and it's made you feel embarrassed.


a. Stan had egg on his face after saying he could easily do fifty push-ups, and then giving up after doing just twenty.

b. The police force had egg on its face because they arrested and beat up an innocent guy who had the same name as a suspect they were looking for.


오픽 점수 잘받아야 하는데 ..........................

영어 돈 쓴게 얼마인데 ! ! ! 


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