전화영어 오늘의 복습
2023. 1. 19. 18:26
deceive : 1. 속이다2. 자신을 속이다3. 현혹하다
distract : 1. 집중이 안 되게 하다2. 딴 데로 돌리다
concerning : 전치사 ; 1. …에 관한[관련된]
1. rustic [adjective] : 러스틱 ; 1. 시골 특유의2. 시골 사람3. 통나무로 간소하게 만든
Meaning: simple and often rough in appearance; typical of the countryside
Example: The property has a certain rustic charm.
2. ruse [noun] : 루스 ; 1. 계략, 책략
Meaning: a trick intended to deceive someone
Example: It was just a ruse to distract her while his partner took the money.
1. Out of touch
Meaning: lacking knowledge or information concerning current events and developments
a. Linda said she and her sister have been out of touch since 2008.
b. She's just someone who seems to be out of touch with reality.