
선생님 바껴서 오랜만에 써보는 전화영어 복습

tiit 2023. 12. 12. 22:51

거의 내다버린 티스토리 ...


갓생 시작할라하면 생각나는 티스토리 오랜만에 써보렵니다,,


진짜 갓생살아야 할 때가 되어버려서 하 ㅡㅡ;;  


전화영어는 여전히 꾸준히 하고 있답니다 근데 서든리 저번주 금요일에 쌤이 자기 leaving 한다며 ..


선생님 바뀐다고요 .... 흑흑 짧지만 정들었는데 ..(약 3개월)


아예 그만둔것같네요 ,, 나이 궁금해서 물어보니 자기 나이 많다며 안말해줬삼유..


이번 쌤은 좋았는데 약간 말이 많으셨는데 바뀐 쌤이 뭔가 더 선생님같고 좋네요^*^ 목소리 완전 귀엽고 디즈니같음 ㅋㅎ


이제 복습도 출퇴근하며 열심히 해보렵니다 , , , 


Focus help at cafe


For many people, the challenge of trying to complete a piece of writing is left behind in high school or university. For those who take on writing as a profession, the struggle remains real.

new cafe in Tokyo aims to help those people. The Manuscript Writing Cafe has the normal features that anyone looking to work in a cafe has come to expect, like high-speed Wi-Fi and power outlets. It also provides unlimited self-service coffee and tea. Where the cafe really differs is through social pressure and expectations to help writers focus on their work. When customers enter the cafe, they are expected to put down their writing goals on paper along with the time they will finish. They can also choose to have their progress checked on in various ways. Choosing mild means the cafe staff will ask about their progress when they leave. Choosing normal means the staff will check on them every hour. The strongest option, hard, has a staff member periodically loom behind the customer as they work. The cafe makes money by charging 130 yen (about $US1) for the first half hour and 300 yen per hour after that. So far, the customers, among them writers, editors, and manga artists, have successfully used the extra motivation to complete their work.


원고 작성 카페? 도쿄에 있다는데, 직원이 원고 얼마나 썼는지 체크해준다고 하네요 체크 옵션은 마일드, 노말, 하드 이렇게 있어서 체크하는 강도도 선택할 수 있답니다 ㅋ 

어제 수업에서 읽을 때는 걍 생각없이 읽어서 내용이 안들어왔는데 지금 읽으니깐 이해가 됐네요 

고ㅏ연 저 카페가 얼마나 유지될 지 궁금한 ㅋ



1. take on (phrasal verb) - to accept a job or a challenge

2. periodically (adverb) - at regular time intervals

3. loom (verb) - to appear above someone in a slightly frightening and passive way

4. Manuscript : a piece of writing before it is published or the original copy of a book or article before it is printed. 

(Example) He sent the 400-page manuscript to his publisher. 



1. Knuckle down : To work hard or seriously at a task; if you tend to procrastinate, then you know when it’s time to do this. 

(Example) My essay is due tomorrow morning! I have to knuckle down and get it done tonight.


그럼 피곤해서 20000
