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티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 506일 오늘의 복습

by tiit 2020. 9. 1.

garbage collector : 환경 미화원

sole : 소울 ; 유일한 ; 혼자의 ; 발바닥 

athlete : 애뜰릿ㅌ ; 선수 ; 육상 경기 선수 

dash : 돌진 ; 황급히 함 ; 서둘러 가다 

higher-up : 윗사람[상관]

fundraiser : 모금 행사 

at once : 즉시 ; 동시에 ; 한꺼번에 

make ends meet : 간신히 연명하다 ; 겨우 입에 풀칠하다 

compromise : 타협 ; 타협하다 

invalid : 효력없는 ; 근거없는 ; 병약자 

premise : 프레미스 ; 전제 

promise : 프라미스 ; 약속하다 ; ~의 조짐을 보이다 ; 약속 


Negate (verb) : 무효화하다 ; 부인하다 

-To make invalid

Ex: Paula negated Tiffany`s argument by proving that her main premise was false.


completion : 완료 ; 완성 


Stay the course : (하던 일을 힘들더라도) 그대로 계속하다[끝까지 버티다]

-If you stay the course, you persevere till the completion of a task, especially a difficult one.

Ex: Despite an injury, he stayed the course to save the match for his team.




Former Garbage Collector Accepted to Harvard Law School


Rehan Staton, a 24-year-old college student who previously worked as a garbage collector, was accepted to Harvard Law School. Born and raised in Maryland, Staton had a difficult life growing up. At one point, his father, who was his family’s sole provider, worked three jobs at once to make ends meet. Because of the difficulties his family faced, Staton struggled with his academic performance in elementary school. However, he eventually excelled and became one of the top students after getting help from a tutor his father met.


When he was in high school, Staton focused on boxing and dreamed of becoming a professional athlete. However, his hopes were dashed because of a shoulder injury. Instead of continuing his studies, he decided to work as a garbage collector after graduating from high school. He said that he wanted to do it to help his father pay for bills and other household expenses.


A higher-up from Staton’s work heard about his story and helped him enroll at Bowie State University. Two years later, he transferred to the University of Maryland. After graduating in 2018, Staton became an analyst at a consulting firm. He eventually decided to pursue law and was accepted into Harvard Law School. Staton said that he could not have made it without his support system. Having his family and coworkers by his side inspired him to give his all and pursue his dreams.He will attend Harvard Law School this fall. To help with his expenses, a fundraiser has been set up.


college , garbege, change --> 맨날 뒤에 ge 들어가는 발음 안된다고 쌤한테 엄청 혼났다.............................................

컬리ㅈ , 갈비ㅈ , 체인ㅈ --> 이렇게 지가 들릴듯 말듯하게 말해야 하는데 내가 지.은. 인데 어떻게 저게 되냐고 

하,,,,,,,,,진심 ,,,,,,,,,,ㅠㅠ 

어쨌든 오늘 article은........ 갈비ㅈ 컬렉터 였던 학생이 하버드에 입학했다 ~! 이런 내용입니다 

근데 왜 저사람을 위해 기금을 해야하는지 나는 모르겠네요,, 어쨌든 대단한 사람 ~~!! 

오늘은 화요일

내일은 수요일 내일도 ㅎㅇㅌ............................

