two-thirds of : 3분의 2
one out of three children : 3어린이중 1어린이
practitioner : 프랙티셔널 ; 의사 ; 변호사 ; (특히 기술을 요하는 일을) 정기적으로 하는 사람, 현역
by the time : 1. 그때까지2. …할 때까지(는)
curb : 1. (특히 좋지 못한 것을) 억제하다2. 제한하는 것
obese : 오비스 ; 비만인
in turn : 1. 차례차례 2. 결국(결과적으로)
unrivalled : 언라이벌드 ; 타의 추종을 불허하는
stroke : 1. (공을 치는) 타법, 스트로크2. 치기, 때리기3. (동물의 털을) 쓰다듬다 ; 뇌졸중
contrive : 1. 용케 …하다2. (어려운 가운데도) 성사시키다3. 고안하다, 획책하다
contrived : 억지로 꾸민 듯한, 부자연스러운
cowardly : 카월들리 ; 1. 겁이 많은; 비겁한, 비열한2. 겁을 내어
Ploy (noun)-A contrived plan ; 계책 ; 술책
Ex: Sarah thought George`s ploy of borrowing her notes was a cowardly way to ask her out.
deliberately : 딜리버럴리 ; 1. 고의로, 의도적으로2. 신중하게, 찬찬히
allegedly : 얼레지들리 ; 주장한[전해진] 바에 의하면, 이른바
investigate : 1. (상황·사건·범죄 등에 대해) 수사하다, 살피다2. (사람의 성격·행동 등에 대해) 조사하다3. (어떤 주제·문제에 대해) 조사하다
Drag one`s feet- To do something slowly deliberately
Ex: The police is dragging its feet in investigating this case allegedly because influential people are involved in the crime.
UK Government Launches Campaign to Decrease Cases of Obesity
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a new health campaign that could help decrease obesity cases in the country. Called Better Health, the campaign involves training general practitioners (GPs) to guide patients in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. GPs will encourage obese patients to take weight management classes and follow a meal and fitness plan for 12 weeks. Under the campaign, restaurants and fast-food chains will be required to include calorie counts on their menus. In addition, stores will not be allowed to display unhealthy foods near checkout counters or include them in buy-one-get-one promotions. According to a report, two-thirds of adults in the UK are obese, and one out of three children is overweight by the time they finish primary school.
The National Health Service is concerned about surging obesity cases because they have been linked to other illnesses such as diabetes and cancer, which cost the government over $7 billion each year. Obesity is also a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes.
Johnson, who is considered overweight, launched the campaign after he tested positive for Covid-19 and recovered last April. He was alarmed when his doctors told him that his excess weight had aggravated his condition. Johnson acknowledged that losing weight may be difficult, but he encouraged people to make lifestyle changes that could make them healthier. UK officials hope that curbing the number of obesity cases in the country will, in turn, help them prevent a possible second wave of Covid-19.
• Do you think the campaign will have a long-term impact, or will its effects be mainly short-term? Explain.
• What other strategies do you think can be included in the campaign (e.g. making regular checkups mandatory)? Discuss.
Discussion B
• Do you think most people in your country maintain a healthy lifestyle? Why or why not?
• What are possible reasons why some people have difficulty maintaining a healthy lifestyle? Discuss.
3일 쉬고 영어공부하려니,, 좋네요^^..
오늘은 UK 정부가 비만률을 줄이기 위한 캠페인을 만들었다는 것인데요
쌤이 자기는 맨날 뚱뚱하다고 그래서,,,
굉장히 불편한 주제였네요,,
비만은 다른 질병들의 원인이 된다 이러는데..
이런 주제는 걍 건너뛰었으면 하는 마음,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
오늘은 딴 얘기를 많이해서 질문을 하나 밖에 대답못했는데
• Do you think the campaign will have a long-term impact, or will its effects be mainly short-term? Explain.
--> 이거 한국말로도 설명 못하겠는데요?
진심,,, 아무말이나 했네요,, 하 ㅠ
내가 영국 비만 캠페인에 대해 효과가 오래갈지 짧게 갈지 이 기사 하나 읽고 어떻게 아냐고요~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!
어쨌든 오늘 월요일이니 다시 열심히 살기,,
내일도 화이팅,,
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