Debt : 데트 ; 빚 ; 부채 ; 빚을 진 상태 ; 은혜를 입음
break the news : 소식을 전하다
outstanding balance : 미불잔고
subsidize : 섭시다이즈 ; 보조금을 주다
arrear : 어리얼 ; 지불 잔금 ; 연체금
unaffiliated : 언어필리에이디드; 소속되어 있지 않은 ; 독립적인
Be that as it may : 그렇기는 하지만 ; 그럼에도 불구하고
pay off : 성공하다 ; 성과를 올리다
pay something off : ~을 다 갚다 ; 청산하다
collectively : 집합적으로 ; 총괄하여 ;
incur : 1. (좋지 못한 상황을) 초래하다2. (비용을) 발생시키다
Southern : 써던 ; 남쪽에 위치한 ; 남향의
politician : 펄러티션 ; 정치인 ; 정치꾼
privilege : 특전 ; 특권 ; 특권을 주다
agitation : 에지테이션 ; 불안 ; 동요 ; 시위
capsize : (배가)뒤집히다 ; (배를) 뒤집다.
Turmoil (noun) : 털모일 ; 혼란 ; 소란
Extreme confusion, agitation-Sym: cache, treasure
Ex: The windstorm caused such turmoil in the lake that the sailboat capsized.
Live on borrowed time : (노인·환자 등이) 살아남아 덤의 삶을 보내다, 의외로 오래 살다
If you live on borrowed time, you continue to exist longer than expected.
Ex: This 15-year-old car is living on borrowed time.
School Refuses to Give Hot Meals to Students with Debt
A school in England announced that it would stop providing lunch meals to students whose families have an outstanding debt.
Devonshire [DEV–uh n-sheer] Park Primary in Merseyside, England, broke the news of the policy in a letter to parents. The letter explained that students cannot get hot meals if their parents have a debt of £10 or higher.
If parents are unable to settle their debt, they are advised to provide packed lunch for their children while paying off their outstanding balance. Devonshire Park, however, emphasized that it would not let students starve if they did not have packed lunch and would provide students toast or bread rolls.
In Devonshire Park, parents pay for their children’s school lunch in advance. The cost is partially subsidized by the school. Unfortunately, the school noted that some parents failed to pay and collectively incurred a debt of £1,000 last year. To stop parents from accumulating higher arrears, the school decided to implement the policy.
Currently, UK schools are under a lot of pressure because of education budget cuts. As such, a teacher unaffiliated with the school expressed support for the policy. The teacher explained that the parents’ debt could have been used to fund teaching assistants and other educational resources.
Be that as it may, one parent still disagreed with the policy, pointing out that some families are struggling financially. In defense, the school said that it was aware of the financial struggles of some parents. In fact, parents are encouraged to talk to the school management if they have concerns so that the school can provide assistance.
Do you think the school’s decision to stop providing lunch meals to students with debt is fair? Why or why not?
What are other ways for the school to ensure that parents pay their debts? Explain.
What do you think can schools do to support children whose families are struggling financially (e.g. free books, scholarships)? Explain.
In your opinion, should those kinds of support also be available to students who are not struggling financially? Why or why not?
영국에서 학부모들이 급식 돈을 못내면 학생들에게 따뜻한 식사를 제공하지 않겠다는 내용 입니다
정말 미친 것같네여 ,, 하하 ,,
급식 얘기가 나와서 고딩 때 급식 최악인거 얘기하다가 20분 순삭 당했네요,,
Southern : 써던 ; 남쪽에 위치한 ; 남향의 --> 이거 발음 써던인거 첨알았네요 싸우떤 이어야 하는거 아닌가요? 얼탱없음
politician : 펄러티션 ; 정치인 ; 정치꾼 --> 폴리티션 아니고 펄러티션 ㅡㅡ;
Live on borrowed time : (노인·환자 등이) 살아남아 덤의 삶을 보내다, 의외로 오래 살다
--> 이딴 표현은 왜 있는지 패륜 적이지 않나요? 이해가 안가는,,
그럼 피곤해서 이만.........................
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