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티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 745일 오늘의 복습

by tiit 2021. 4. 27.


Censure (verb)  : 센셜 ; 1. 견책, 불신임2. 견책하다 to find fault with /Synonyms: admired, famous

Ex: The critical teacher was quick to censure her students for even small mistakes.



Chicken and egg situation : 닭이 먼저냐 달걀이 먼저냐의 경우, 둘 중 어느 것이 원인이고 결과인지 판단할 수 없는 상황 If a situation is chicken and egg, it is impossible to decide which of the two came first and caused the other one.

Ex: I need to have experience to get job, but without job, I can’t have experience. It’s a chicken and egg situation.


left-wing : 좌익의 

go up : 1. (건물이) 올라가다2. (무대의 막이) 올라가다 ; 소실되다 ; 오르다 

privilege : 1. (특정 개인단체가 갖는) 특전2. (사회 내의 부유층이 갖는) 특권3. 특권을 주다


Spain to Test Four-Day Working Week

The Spanish government has accepted a plan from the left-wing Más País party to test a four-day working week with companies that are interested in the idea. Although the details have not yet been agreed on, the party has proposed a three-year, $60 million project that would help companies’ trial a shorter working week. Héctor Tejero of Más País told The Guardian that the project could include about 200 companies, for a total of between 3,000 to 6,000 workers. Tejero said that his party wants people to work fewer hours without their pay decreasing. The party is hoping that the project will have similar results to Spanish company Software Delsol, which started using a four-day work week in 2020. Tejero said the change led to fewer absences, increased productivity and happier workers. Around the world, other experiments with fewer working hours have also had positive results.

Microsoft Japan trialled closing its offices on Fridays in August 2019 and found that sales per employee went up 40% compared to August 2018. The company also found that it spent less money on things like heating and electricity. Similarly, when a city in Sweden tested six-hour working days in 2015, it found that absences went down, productivity went up and worker health improved. Working fewer days could also be good for the environment: a 2019 study from Henley Business School found that a four-day week in the UK could result in workers driving an average of almost 900 million fewer kilometers each week.


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빨리 한국도 도입하라 .................... 

시행 결과도 긍정적인 결과 밖에 없는데 안할 이유가 있습니까?????????????

제발 내년에 시행했으면 .. R = VD

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