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티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 513일 오늘의 복습

by tiit 2020. 9. 8.

deprivation : 데프리베이션 ; (필수적인것의)박탈 ; 부족

clock in : 출근 카드를 찍다 

indicator : (일의 현황·사정 변화 등을 나타내는) 지표 ; (속도·압력 등을 나타내는) 계기 ; (자동차의) 방향 표시등

pull in : (역으로) 들어와 서다 ; (도로 한쪽으로) 서다[(차를) 세우다]

at less than : ~보다 적은 


Opportune : 어펄투운 ; 적절한 ; 시의 적절한 

 (adj)-Suitable or convenient

Ex: Quan stepped onto the platform at the most opportune time, just as the train pulled in.


The luck of the devil : 운이 겁나게 좋다 

If you`ve the luck of the devil, you`re extremely lucky.

Ex: X: I`m alive today because I failed to board the plane that crashed yesterday. Y: You really have the luck of the devil.



Study Finds Connection between Depression and Sleep Patterns in Teenagers


Researchers have found a strong connection between sleep patterns and mental health problems among teenagers. A team of experts from three UK universities aimed to uncover the link between sleep deprivation and mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. To examine the link, the experts gathered responses from 4,790 teenagers about their sleep quality and quantity.The teenagers were divided into two groups. Those in the first group showed few to no indicators of depression or anxiety, while those in the other group were diagnosed with at least one of the two conditions.

After looking at the teenagers’ sleep reports, the researchers saw that the first and second groups both got around 9 hours of sleep on weekends. 


However, on weeknights the difference was much clearer, with the first group getting about 8 hours of sleep and the second clocking in at less than 7.5 hours. The outcome of the research showed that teenagers who often failed to meet the recommended 8 to 10 hours of sleep were more at risk of having poor mental health. Dr. Faith Orchard, one of the study’s principal authors, said that the findings stressed the impact of sleeping habits on people’s mental health. She believes that addressing young people’s sleep problems can positively affect their wellbeing. Dr. Orchard advised parents to teach their children the benefits of sleep. She also encouraged them to seek professional help for teenage children who are experiencing sleep problems.



In your opinion, should parents be responsible for tracking their children’s sleeping habits? Explain.

 Aside from mental health, what things that may be affected by sleep should researchers look into (e.g. productivity, physical health)? Discuss.

What are some factors that cause people to be sleep-deprived (e.g. distractions, schoolwork)? Discuss.

Do you think a lot of people overlook the importance of getting enough sleep? Why or why not?



영어단어가 별로 없는 것은,,, 복습을 하루치만 하기로 결정했기 때문입니다.......

평일에는 시간이 별로 없어서................................. 주말에 열심히 복습하겠습니다..........................


오늘 article은 청소년기에 잠 패턴과 우울증과의 관계가 있다는 내용입니닷 ㅎㅎ

그치만,, 어른들도 너무나 관계가 있는데요....... 너무 피곤해서 죽고싶은데요...............................................................................

오늘은 일찍 자야겠어요,,, 

내일은 벌써 수요일이네요~!~! 한 것두 없는데용~ㅎ


그럼 낼도 화이링~!~!~!

