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티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 512일 오늘의 복습

by tiit 2020. 9. 7.

treasure chest : 보물 상자 

influence : 영향 ; 영향력 ; 영향을 주다(미치다)

blast : 블래스트 ; 폭발 ; 폭발시키다 ; 폭파하다 

cannon : 캐넌 ; 대포 ; 세게 부딪치다 ; 충돌하다 

avalanche = snowslide : 에버랜치 ; (눈/산)사태 


Induce (verb) : 인듀스 ; 설득하다 ; 유도하다 ; 유발하다 ; 분만을 유도하다 

To influence or cause

Ex: The loud blast of the cannon induced an avalanche.


Sell like hot cakes : 불티나게 팔리다 ; 날개 돋친 듯 팔리다 

If something sells like hot cakes, it sells very fast.

Ex: More than five thousand cars sold so far. The new model is selling like hot cakes.


daycare center : 어린이집 


Indecorous (adj) : 인데코러스 ; 보기 흉한 ; 상스러운 ; 

= In bad taste : 하등의 ; 멋없는 

Ex: My parents banned Chad from our house because of his indecorous behavior at dinner.


astonish : 어스터니쉬 ; 깜짝[크게] 놀라게 하다 (=amaze)

diving catch : 야구에서 달려오다가 늦다 싶으면 수영 풀에 다이빙하듯이 앞으로 엎어지는 자세로 포구하는 플레이.


crunch : 으드득[뽀드득 등](단단한 것이 으스러질 때 나는 소리) ; (흔히 불쾌한) 중대 상황[정보] ; (무엇이, 특히 돈이, 갑자기 부족한) 부족 사태

아작아작 씹다 ; (회의스포츠 경기 등이 성공할 수 있는 마지막 기회가 될지도 모르게) 중대한


Take away your breath : 놀라서 당황하다 

 If someone or something takes your breath away, it astonishes you.

Ex: His diving catch at the crunch moment in the match took my breath away.


diaspora : 다이에스포라 ; 디아스포라 ; 다른 나라에서 살며 일하기 위한 유대인들의 이동 ; 고국을 떠나는 사람·집단의 이동

gleam : 글리임 ; 어슴푸레[희미하게] 빛나다 ; (아주 깨끗하게) 환하다[반짝이다] ; (흔히 어디에 반사된) 어슴푸레한[흐릿한] 빛


high-rise : 고층의 

from scratch : 아무런 사전 준비 없이 ; 맨 처음부터 

commence : 시작되다 

undertaking : (중요한·힘든) 일[프로젝트] (=venture) ; 약속 ; 동의 

employment : 직장 ; 고용 ; 취업 ; 채용

cityscape : 도시 경관 ; 도시 사진 

surreal : 아주 이상한 ; 비현실적인; 꿈같은 ; 초현실적인

skyscraper : 스카이스크래이펄 ; 고층 건물 

port of call : (선박의)기항지 ; (여러 곳을 다니는 길에 잠시) 들르는 곳

injustice : 불평등 ; 부당함 ; 부당성



R&B singer Akon to build futuristic city


The American R&B singer Akon has said his plans to build a city from scratch will go ahead. Akon has raised funds for a futuristic metropolis with a population of 300,000 people. It will be called Akon City and be built on the coast of Senegal on Africa's west coast. Akon has Senegalese roots. He was born in the USA to Senegalese parents and spent much of his childhood in Africa. He described his city as a "real-life Wakanda," in reference to the city in the movie "Black Panther". He announced that construction on the $6 billion project will commence next year and is expected to take three years to complete. He hopes his undertaking will provide much-needed employment for Senegalese.

Blueprints on the akoncity.com website show a cityscape of surreal-looking gleaming glass and steel high-rises. The designs of the towering skyscrapers were inspired by traditional sculptures made in African villages. The city will boast high-tech living and high-speed Internet connectivity. Akon wants the city to be a port of call for Senegalese and other Africans facing racial injustice in the USA or Europe. He said: "The system back home treats people unfairly, in so many different ways that you can never imagine. And they only go through it because they feel that there is no other way. So if you're coming from...the diaspora and you feel that you want to visit Africa, we want Senegal to be your first stop. 





What did you think when you read the headline?

What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'city'?

What do you know about the singer Akron?

What do you think of futuristic cities?

How futuristic is your city?

Do you prefer big cities or small towns?

How far back do your roots go?

What kind of city would you like to live in?

Would it be better for the world if there were no cities?

What advice do you have for Akron?

What do you think about what you read?

What is your favourite city?

Do you prefer modern or old cities?

Would you like to live in a gleaming skyscraper?



미국 가수 Akon이 세네갈에 미래지향적인 도시를 건설할 것이라는 내용입니다~~

누군지 몰랐는데 돈이 많나봐여 

리얼 와칸다 도시로 만들거라며....



영어 복습하기 정말 너무 빡시네요..

일하다가 틈틈히 복습해야겠삼...

그럼 내일도 화이링...


from scratch : 아무런 사전 준비 없이 ; 맨 처음부터  --> 이거 분명전에 공부했던건데 초면이네요...



근데 왜 글자 색 적용안되나요 

진심 t스to리 구리다..............................................

