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티쳐스스쿨 전화영어 886일 오늘의 복습

by tiit 2021. 9. 13.

imprison : 1. 타동사 [VN 흔히 수동태로] 투옥하다, 감금하다

approach : 1. 다가가다2. (특히 부탁제안 등을 하기 위해) 접촉하다, (다가가서) 말을 하다3. 접근법, 처리 방법

belt out : 1. 때려눕히다, 녹아웃 시키다, 힘차게 노래부르다


1. At the drop of a hat : 즉각[주저하지 않고]

Meaning: To do something without any hesitation.

Example: If Tara hears her favorite song, she`ll belt out the lyrics at the drop of a hat.


Sky lantern causes fire
Sky lantern causes fire A sky lantern is a small hot air balloon.

People make it from paper. They put a small fire inside it.

They send the burning balloon into the sky.

Sky lanterns look very beautiful. They are also dangerous.

Sky lanterns are illegal in Brazil. They often go to forests or dry grass.

They can make fires. Brazilians still send sky lanterns.

They can go to prison for up to three years for it.

A sky lantern lands in a park near São Paulo last week.

A big fire starts. More than 100 firefighters go to the park.

It is difficult to stop the fire. Police arrest six people. They release them later. 


브라질에서 스카이랜턴 날리기가 금지인데 , 날렸다가 큰 화재가 발생했다는 그런 내용입니다.

대만에서 날린적 있는데 .. 또 가고 싶군요 ....

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