carbon neutral : 탄소 중립적인 (=zero-carbon)
seclude : (다른 사람들로부터) 은둔하다 ; 고립시키다
carbon offset : 탄소 상쇄 ; 탄소를 배출하는 기업이 나무를 심는것 같은것 .
opt : (~을 하기로/하지 않기로) 택하다
be fond of : ~을 좋아하다
exclusive island : 외딴 섬
exclusive : 1. 독점적인, 전용의2. 배타적인, 특권층의3. (신문잡지의) 독점 기사
put up for sale : 팔려고 내놓다 ; 경매에 부치다
burp : 트림 ; 벌프
hold back a burp : 트림을 참다
decisive : 디사이시브 ; 결정적인 ; 결단력 있는
Incisive (adj) : 인사이시브 ; 1. (사물 인식 능력이) 예리한2. 기민한
Impressively direct and decisive
Ex: Samir`s incisive leadership made him the natural choice for president of the company.
Break fresh[new] ground : 새 분야를 개척하다
If you break new ground, you do something that was not done before.
Ex: Our scientists are breaking new ground in robotics and cancer research.
Private Island in Australia For Sale
An exclusive island in Australia’s Southern Great Barrier Reef has been put up for sale.
Pumpkin Island is 14 kilometers away from the coastal town of Yeppoon in Queensland. The six-hectare island has a secluded beach, library, and cottages that can accommodate around 34 guests. It also has a helicopter pad and a customized 36-passenger boat.
Despite its many modern facilities, Pumpkin Island is the first island in Australia to achieve the “beyond carbon neutral” status by offsetting 150% of its yearly carbon emissions. The island has achieved this by using renewable sources of energy and converting rainwater into drinking water through a filtering system.
Pumpkin Island is currently owned by Wayne and Laureth Rumble. The couple read about the island in the newspaper and bought it in 2003 for around $909,000. The island was previously owned by Roger and Merle Mason, who acquired it for about $70 after winning it as a prize in a poker game in 1961. Now, the island is back on the market with a $17 million price tag.
Based on reports, sales agents are capitalizing on the post-pandemic climate to sell the island. They are highlighting the destination as a possible safe haven in the event of another global health crisis.
The Rumbles have opted to sell the property because they have plans to move to New Zealand to be closer to the rest of their family. According to Laureth, leaving the place will be very sad for them because they have been fond of it and the lifestyle that they adopted while living on the island. The couple is hoping that the next owners will be as dedicated as they are in taking care of the island.
Do you think highlighting the island as a possible safe haven is a good way to attract potential buyers? Why or why not?
Given the opportunity, would you be interested in buying Pumpkin Island? Why or why not?
How would you describe a safe haven (e.g. quiet and peaceful)? Discuss.
Do you consider any place to be a safe haven? Explain.
호주에 safe haven인 섬을 판다는 내용이에요
70달러 짜리가 9억원 그리고 지금은 170억원에 팔린다는 ,,, 그런,,, 부동산이 중요하다는 내용이네요,,,
질문에 How would you describe a safe haven 이게 있었는데
safe haven 검색하면 안식처, 피난처라고 해서 저는 bunker 밖에 안떠오르는 거에요
그래서 걍 벙커얘기 하는데 쌤한테 물어보니 벙커가 너한테는 safe haven 일 수 도 있지만
일반적이지는 않은 건가봐요 해석을 피난처로 하면 안될듯,,
safe haven은 구글에 검색해보니 걍 진짜 평화로운 이미지들 뿐이네요,,,,
안식처가 맞는거같네요,,,,,,,,
Great Barrier Reef : 대보초
이게 뭐냐고 물어봤다가 쌤이 이거 모르냐고 해서 검색해보니 대보초네요
제가 대보초를 아는 이유는 문명에서 자연경관이기 때문에..... 문명이 유익한 게임인 이유,,,,,,,,,ㅎ
월요일 어게인이네요,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
그래도 하루만 더 일하면 연휴니깐 ㅎㅇㅌ
'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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