cure : (사람·동물을 아프지 않도록) 낫게 하다 ; 치유하다 ; 치유법
metabolic : 메다벌릭 ; 신진대사의
arthritis : 알뜨라이디스 ; 관절염
dietary : 다이엇테어리 ; 음식물의 ; 식이 요법의 ;
surplus : 과잉 ; 흑자 ; 과잉의 ; 잉여의
nausea : 널시아 ; 욕지기 ; 메스꺼움
induce : 설득하다 ; 유도하다 ; 유발하다 ; 분만을 유도하다
questionable : 의심스러운 ; 미심쩍은
dairy : 데얼리 ; 낙농장 ; 유제품의
yield : 이일드 ; 내다 ; 산출하다 ; 항복하다 ; 산출량
constancy : 불변성 ; 지조 ; 절개
Fickle (adj) -Lacking constancy, changeable ; 변덕스러운 ; 변화가 심한
Ex: The fickle Senji had a new best friend every month.
infuse : 1. (특정한 특성을) 불어넣다2. (속속들이) 스미다3. (찻잎 등을) 우리다
intervene : (상황 개선을 돕기 위해) 개입하다 2.(다른 사람이 말하는 데) 끼어들다
3.(방해가 되는 일이) 생기다
Get someone off the hook : 곤경을 면하게 하다
If you get someone off the hook, you help them get out of trouble.
Ex: The government has intervened by infusing billions of dollars to get the banks off the hook.
Researchers Find Possible Cure for Hangovers
Researchers from Finland discovered that the amino acid L-Cysteine [el SIS-tee-een] can cure hangovers.
L- Cysteine can be naturally found in eggs, dairy products, nuts, and seeds. It is important for the body’s metabolic functions and in making protein. In medical settings, L-Cysteine is used to treat arthritis and some lung diseases.
Previous studies have suggested that as a dietary supplement, L-Cysteine can treat hangovers by helping the liver process surplus alcohol in the body.
To test L-Cysteine’s effectiveness as a hangover cure, the researchers asked 19 male participants to drink 1.5 grams of alcohol per kilogram of their body weight over the course of three hours. Then, the participants took either a placebo or an L-Cysteine tablet.
Results showed that those who took L-Cysteine had fewer hangover symptoms than those who took the placebo. A 600-milligram dose of the amino acid helped relieve stress and anxiety, which are two symptoms associated with hangovers, while a 1,200-milligram dose helped reduce nausea and headaches induced by alcohol.
Some experts, however, find the study’s results questionable. They said that the study’s sample size was too small to yield reliable results, and the research received funding from a company that sells L-Cysteine supplements. The findings also contradict a previous report, which found that NAC—a substance similar to L-Cysteine—is ineffective.
Despite the experts’ doubts, one scientist said that existing trials that involve L-Cysteine showed promising results. She explained that the amino acid maintains the body’s protein structure and helps in the creation of taurine, another amino acid frequently added to energy drinks.
L-Cysteine 이라는게 숙취에 좋다는 그런 내용입니다. 그런데 몇몇 전문가들은 이 연구 결과를 못믿는다는데요,
이유는 L-Cysteine 보충제를 파는 회사가 이 연구를 지원해줬고, 연구 표본이 너무 작고, 이전의 연구와는 반대대는 결과이기 때문이라네요.
괜히 약판다는 말이 나온게 아닌가봐요..
저도 이얘기를 들으니 100퍼센트 못믿겠네요 ㅋㅋ
필리핀에서는 숙취해소제가 없고, 차가운 물, 뜨거운 커피 no sugar 를 마시면 숙취에 좋다네여
커피는 안좋을것같은데..
영어공부 넘 안하는데,, 이제 다시 ,, 열심히 ,, 해보겠습니다,,
연휴가 이제 크리스마스 까지 없으니까요,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
인생 슬프네요...................
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